Fastest way to lock/synchronize objects.
Overview There have been some comparison of Lock vs synchronization in Java. I wanted to compare the latest version of Java with using a plain AtomicLong and AtomicReference as an alternative to locking. Summary The results are much the same for Java 5.0 and later, provided your JIT has optimised the code. I found this required the methods to be called between 10K and 50K times to get the best optmisation (depending on the approach used) In short, the fastest way to perform lock/synchronization is to make sure your JVM is warmed up first. Results The tests were single threaded and run on a 3 GHz Xeon processor running SLES 11. Timings are in nano-seconds, that is one billionth of a second. For Java 1.4.2 I used the backport v2.1 Version bits concurrent Lock synchronized AtomicLong AtomicReference 1.4.2 u 18 32 130 40 115 105 5.0 u 22 64 23 15 15 16 6 u 7 64 21 20 14 15 6 u 20 32 23 20 19 12 6 u 20 64 16 20 12