"Java Sucks" revisited
Overview An interesting document on Java's short comings (from C developer's perspective) was written some time ago (about 2000? ) but many of the arguments issues are as true (or not) today as they were ten years ago. The original Java Sucks posting. Review of short comings Java doesn't have free(). The author lists this as a benefit and 99% of the time is a win. There are times when not having it is a downside, when you wish escape analysis would eliminate, recycle or free immediately an object you know isn't needed any more (IMHO the JIT / javac should be able to work it out in theory) lexically scoped local functions The closest Java has is anonymous methods. This is a poor cousin to Closures (coming in Java 8), but it can be made to do the same thing. No macro system Many of the useful tricks you can do with macros, Java can do for you dynamically. Not needing a macro system is an asset because you don't need to know when Java will give you the same...