Complexity of Time
I find time fascinating. I also find it a surprisingly complex subject. You have both TimeZones and Calendars which change from place to place but also over time. There are a number of interesting web sites on the subject. Some of the trivia I find interesting There was no year 0, in fact there was no number 0 when the Julian Calendar was created. The year before 1 AD was 1 BC. If Christians celebrate Jesus' birth on December the 25th was this is 1 AD or 1 BC? The start of the Julian calendar was March the 25th (nine months before 25th of December) and the time of the vernal or spring equinox at the time. The autumnal equinox was changed to be March 21st a few decades later. This assumed that Jesus came to earth March 25th (nine months before Dec 25th), the first day of 1 AD. March the 25th was also considered the anniversary of Creation. Sept means 7, Oct means 8 and Nona means 9th, and Dec mean 10th and in Roman times they were the Seventh, Eighth, Ninth and Tenth months.