What does Chronicle Software do?

Overview Chronicle Software is about simplifying fast data. It is a suite of libraries to make it easier to write, monitor and tune data processing systems where performance and scalability are concerned. But its free, how do you make money, through support? We offer premium support . However, we often hear from users for the first time about a year after they have it in production. Most users find they can support the software themselves. It is only after a year or so, they have questions or concerns about where to take the product next. In many cases, it is to a problem we have already solved and they just need to upgrade their software or use a new module we have added. As we don't know who is using most of our software, we can't advise them on how best to use our software and what updates or enhancements they would benefit from. We need users to contact us and ask questions. We have a free forum , and we respond to 50% of questions in 2 hours...