Chronicle Map and Yahoo Cloud Service Benchmark
Overview Yahoo Cloud Service Benchmark is a reasonably widely used benchmarking tool for testing key value stores for a significant number of key e.g 100 million, and a modest number of clients i.e. served from one machine. In this article I look at how a test of 100 million * 1 KB key/values performed using Chronicle Map on a single machine with 128 GB memory, dual Intel E5-2650 v2 @ 2.60GHz, and six Samsung 840 EVO SSDs. The 1 KB value consists of ten fields of 100 byte Strings. For a more optimal solution, primitive numbers would be a better choice. While the SSDs helped, the peak transfer rate was 700 MB/s which could be supported by two SATA SSD drives. These benchmarks were performed using the latest version at the time of the report, Chronicle Map 2.0.6a-SNAPSHOT. Micro-second world. Something which confounds me when reading benchmarks about key-value stores is that they start with the premise that performance is really important. IMHO, about 90% o...