Prompt Engineering for AIDE
This article was AI-generated using this project as context. AIDE Project . The purpose of this project is to see how much an AI could generate given enough context, and in this project, all the "source" code is generated using the requirements and unit tests as context. This follows the Next-Level Development: Harnessing AI with AIDE approach. The main parts are: Requirements Documents in .adoc format. JUnit tests in Java. AIDE itself. AI-generated code in Java. Even the articles written about AIDE are part of the context for the AI. This article is about how to write requirements as a prompt for AI to generate code, seeded with AIDE in the context. Everything after this line is AI generated. Prompt engineering can differentiate between AI-driven code that works and genuinely excels. Drawing insights from real-world Java projects—especially those striving for low latency, high throughput, and clear domain logic—this article will show y...