Classes in the JLS 8


When people refer to Java, they often include the libraries.  This could refer to just the standard libraries or third party libraries.  However, which classes are mentioned in the JLS.  It is a surprisingly short list.


boolean, byte, short, char, int, float, long, double, void


Object, Class, ClassLoader, String, Thread, ThreadGroup, System, Reference, ReferenceQueue, Collection, List, Vector, Random, ArrayList, SecurityManager, Dictionary, HashSet, AbstractSet, HashMap, AbstractMap, ThreadLocal, ByteArrayInputStream, Date, Enumeration, BitSet, Observable, Collections,  Runtime, StringBuffer, MethodHandle, Arrays, 
Boolean, Byte, Short, Character, Integer, Long, Float, Double, Number


List, Serializable, Cloneable, DataInput, DataOutput, Runnable, Observer, Map, Comparable, Annotation, Predicate, Iterable, Map.Entry, AutoCloseable, 


RetentionPolicy, ElementType.


Throwable, Exception Error, RuntimeException, ClassCircularityError, NullPointerException, OutOfMemoryError, ArithmeticException, ClassCastException, ArrayStoreException, ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException, InterruptedIOException, FileNotFoundException, PriveledgedExceptionAction, VirtualMachineError, StackOverflowError, IOException, ClassFormatError, NoClassDefFoundError, LinkageError, VerifyError, IncompatibaleClassChangeError, IllegalAccessError, InstantitationError, NoSuchFieldError, NoSuchMethodError, UnsatifiedLinkError, LinkageError, ExceptioninIntializerError, AbstractMethodError, AssertionError, NegativeArraySizeException, UnsupportedOperationException. IllegalMonirotStateException, InterruptedException,


Indexed: Deprecated, FunctionalInterface, Inherited, Override, Repeatable, Retention, SafeVarargs, SuppressWarnings, Target,
Mentioned:  Documented


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