Distributing Common Java APIs

Distributing data stores vs Private data stores in Microservices

Distributing data containers e.g. Maps, can be a way of avoiding having to think too much about distributing your application. Your business logic is much the same, and it is your data collections which are visible to all your services.
Using centralised or even distributed data stores have a number of scalability issues, as it requires every low level data access to be distributed in a generic way which isn’t optimised for particular business requirements.
Distributing business components with private data stores is the favoured approach of Microservices and it limits the "surface area" of each service which reduces security issues, performance considerations and gives you more freedom for independant changes to service’s data structures.
In this review, I will be focusing on distributed data containers, largely because the interfaces are available in the JDK and available for everyone to look at. I expect the conclusions drawn here are broadly similar for Business focused APIs, though each business component will vary.


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