Uncomparable Puzzles in Java

Here are a few puzzles for you to solve in Java. The source is available here

Try running the following code to reproduce the output below. See if you can work out why these results occur:

long a = (1L << 54) + 1;
double b = a;
System.out.println("b == a is " + (b == a));
System.out.println("(long) b < a is " + ((long) b < a));

double c = 1e19;
long d = 0;
d += c;
System.out.println("\nd < c is " + (d < c));
System.out.println("d < (long) c is " + (d < (long) c));

Double e = 0.0;
Double f = 0.0;
System.out.println("\ne <= f is " + (e <= f));
System.out.println("e >= f is " + (e >= f));
System.out.println("e == f is " + (e == f));

BigDecimal x = new BigDecimal("0.0");
BigDecimal y = BigDecimal.ZERO;
System.out.println("\nx == y is " + (x == y));
System.out.println("x.doubleValue() == y.doubleValue() is " + (x.doubleValue() == y.doubleValue()));
System.out.println("x.equals(y) is " + x.equals(y));
System.out.println("x.compareTo(y) == 0 is " + (x.compareTo(y) == 0));

prints the following

b == a is true
(long) b < a is true

d < c is true
d < (long) c is false

e <= f is true
e >= f is true
e == f is false

x == y is false
x.doubleValue() == y.doubleValue() is true
x.equals(y) is false
x.compareTo(y) == 0 is true


1. b == a and (long) b < a

The first puzzle involves comparing a long value with a double. When you cast a (a long) to a double, the result may lose precision, causing b == a to be true. However, casting b back to a long results in truncation, and thus (long) b < a evaluates to true due to the precision loss.

2. d < c and d < (long) c

In this puzzle, c is a very large double, while d starts as zero. When you add c to d, the value of d remains much smaller than c, so d < c is true. However, when casting c to a long, you lose precision (since c is too large to fit into a long), and the comparison becomes false.

3. e == f, e <= f, and e >= f

The Double class in Java has some peculiarities when it comes to equality comparisons. In this case, e == f is false because they are two separate objects, even though their values are the same (both 0.0). However, the comparison operators e <= f and e >= f return true, as they are comparing the actual values, not the object references.

4. x == y, x.doubleValue() == y.doubleValue(), x.equals(y), and x.compareTo(y) == 0

Here we compare two BigDecimal instances. x == y is false because it checks reference equality, and these are different objects. However, x.doubleValue() == y.doubleValue() is true because both BigDecimal objects represent the same numeric value. The equals method returns false because BigDecimal compares more than just the value — it also checks scale (the number of decimal places). Finally, x.compareTo(y) == 0 is true because both objects represent the same value when scaled equally.

Bonus Puzzle: The Shrinking Collections

This bonus puzzle involves a collection of BigDecimal values. Take a look at the following code:

        List bds = Arrays.asList(
            new BigDecimal("1"), 
            new BigDecimal("1.0"), 
            new BigDecimal("1.00"), 
        System.out.println("bds.size()=    " + bds.size());
        Set bdSet = new HashSet<>(bds);
        System.out.println("bdSet.size()=  " + bdSet.size());
        Set bdSet2 = new TreeSet<>(bds);
        System.out.println("bdSet2.size()= " + bdSet2.size());


        bds.size()=    4
        bdSet.size()=  3
        bdSet2.size()= 1


At first glance, it might seem surprising that the sizes of the collections are shrinking. Here's why this happens:

1. bds.size()= 4

The bds list contains four distinct BigDecimal objects, so bds.size() returns 4. However, we need to understand why the set sizes shrink.

2. bdSet.size()= 3

A HashSet in Java removes duplicates based on the equals() method. In this case, BigDecimal uses the equals() method to check for equality. The values new BigDecimal("1"), new BigDecimal("1.0"), and new BigDecimal("1.00") are considered equal because they all represent the same numeric value: 1.0. So, the HashSet eliminates two of the four entries, leaving only three elements in the set.

3. bdSet2.size()= 1

A TreeSet uses the compareTo() method to determine uniqueness, and it also respects the natural ordering of objects. In this case, BigDecimal compares the values numerically, so all the BigDecimal objects in the list are considered equal because they all represent the value 1.0. Therefore, only one element is retained in the TreeSet, and the size is 1.

Key Takeaways

  • HashSet removes duplicates based on the equals() method.
  • TreeSet removes duplicates based on the compareTo() method, which for BigDecimal compares numeric values.
  • In this case, the different string representations of "1" are treated as equivalent by both the equals() and compareTo() methods.

By understanding the behavior of the HashSet and TreeSet with respect to the BigDecimal class, you can better predict the results of such operations in your own code.


In Java, the choice of collection can lead to surprising results when working with classes that have custom equality and comparison behavior. In this puzzle, the BigDecimal class reveals its nuances when used with HashSet and TreeSet, leading to shrinking collection sizes.


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